Plant-level measurements, at scale


Validating Outcomes with Precision

Machine Learning Tuned for Ag

With machine learning models built for agriculture, get accurate and precise insights from your aerial imagery.

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Precise and Accurate Analytics for R&D

From standardized data collection to reliable processes, get plant-level measurements to inform critical decisions for research and product development.

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Ag Modeling for Deeper Analysis 

Build a retrospective analysis using historical data, or get real-time predictions or forecasts as new data becomes available. 

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Data and analytics for your unique use case

Crop Area

Get measurements and delineation of crop area within a field to understand precise boundaries.

Crop Height

Measure canopy height and detect areas of damaged crop canopy for corn, soybean, cotton, canola/OSR, and small grain.  

Maturity Date

Detemine the timing of crop maturity based of senescence of crop canopy cover

Anomaly Detection

Identify anomalous plots due to within-plot and between-plot spatial varaibilty.


Model how water will flow within the field, helping direct critical decisions about water management strategies

Stand Count

Quantify crop emergence and uniformity across every acre and every plot for corn, male/female corn, soybean, cotton, and canola/OSR. 

Canopy Cover

Quantify the fraction and uniformity of green vegetation across every acre and every plot for corn, soybean, cotton, canola/OSR, and small grain.  

Crop Health

Quantify the effects of products and treatments across all acres and plots throughout the entire season for corn, soybean, cotton, canola/OSR, and small grain 

Tassel Count

Ensure seed production purity standards and production goals are met across every acre for corn and male/female corn crop production  

Standardized, repeatable data collection

You Fly, We Fly

Capture your data with one of our award-winning drone systems or hire our team of Flight Services pilots, available to capture. yourdata where and when you need it. 

How It Works > 

Elevate Your Farming Practices
with Precision Insight

Get started today and unlock the full potential
of your farm with our precision ag solutions.