Can Sustainable Agriculture Feed the World?

Can Sustainable Agriculture Feed the World?

We continuously hear the statistic that food production will need to increase 70% by 2050, but how exactly are we going to do that? This data point has been one of the driving forces of a variety of innovative technologies and practices and right alongside it has been...
Smart Irrigation: Powering Through the Drought

Smart Irrigation: Powering Through the Drought

Drought has been a hot topic and complicated battle for agriculture this year, leaving some at a loss of next move to offset its effects. This has been especially troublesome for agriculture-heavy states, like the Midwest. In Illinois alone, 99% of the state is dry or...
Impact of Drought on Agriculture: How do we Adapt?

Impact of Drought on Agriculture: How do we Adapt?

Rain, rain don’t go away – is how the saying should be as we face these dry and unideal growing conditions.   Weather seems to be to be taking over the conversation in agriculture as concerns of drought sweep the industry. Heat waves that used to happen every 100...